Contact Info:

Michelle Roberts ~ KES School 177 Alewive Road Kennebunk, ME 04043 ~ ~ 985-4402

Friday, September 4, 2015

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Let's Keep in Touch This Year!!!


Dear parents,

Technology never ceases to amaze me!  It is one of my favorite parts of teaching, and I make an effort to use it as a tool to make learning and organizing easier and fun!  I know that life can get a bit hectic and things are hard to remember, so I would like to introduce you to a text reminder application that will allow me to periodically send out classroom and school reminders via text message.  The reminders I will send include homework assignments, upcoming events, school functions, reminders, and more!

It is my hope that parents will choose to participate in this FREE program as a way to improve home and school communication and help us to have a successful year!  To sign up, all you have to do is text 81010 with the message @1122334455 (that is not my personal cell phone number).  That’s it!  Simple!  

Rest assured that you will never receive my personal cell phone number or the phone numbers of any other parents.  I also will not be able to see your number through this app in order to maintain privacy.  You will never receive advertisement texts, and you may choose to opt out at any time by messaging ‘STOP’ to the above number.

If you do not have a cell phone or do not receive text messages, you may still subscribe via email by sending an email to  If you have any questions, just let me know. 

Thanks for your support!


Friday, August 21, 2015

Bus Routes

You can visit our website, enter your information, and obtain your bus stop information. Here are the directions:

Click on Departments > Transportation
Click on Bus Route Locator
Enter your street Address, Zip Code, School and Grade and click Search

Also, you can sign up for e-mail notifications if we update route times or stop locations. Just click the Register for Notifications link and fill out your information.

Anyone with questions or without Internet access can call the bus garage at 207-985-2622 Monday - Friday between 5:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. up until the start of school.  After that the office will be open until 4:15 p.m. Also, anyone who has not notified the Transportation Department of changes in their student’s transportation (i.e. moved, new day care, etc.) please notify the Transportation Department as soon as possible to make sure we have accurate assignments.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Teacher Letters

First grade teacher letters will be going home the week of August 17th!!!!  

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Weekly Specials Schedule

Weekly Sharing Schedule

We will start the second week of school on September 14th.
Jack, Cadence, Maggie, Caroline, Olivia, 
Boden, Sienna, Emily, Adam, Charlie, 
Celia, Braden L., Brian, Alyssa, 
Caelyn, Zachary, Braden S.